Shaolin Tiger School

Grand Masters & Sifus

Grand Master Mark Chan Wah

At the age of 8, Grand Master (Mark) Chan Wah (Sifu Chan) started his intense kung fu training under his grandfather Grand Master Wong Cheun Yip.Grand Master Wong remained the local authority and resident kung fu master of the Chil Chung village, Toisan district, and surrounding areas in southern China until his death at age 86 in 1962. Under the guidance of his grandfather Sifu Chan learned the styles of Hung Gar, short hand Choy Lee Fut and Five Animal Sil Lum. Also included in this training was knowledge about herbal hit medicines, training tonics and palm medicine.

In the early 1950’s, Sifu Chan escaped China to Hong Kong where he had the opportunity to study under some of the greatest kung fu masters of his time. His extensive kung fu training included Southern Dragon (Leung Ying Mor Kiew), White Eyebrow (Bak Mei), and Hung Gar styles of kung fu.

In the late 1950’s Sifu Chan arrived in Canada and in 1965 started teaching kung fu in Edmonton’s Chinatown. During this period Sifu Chan was the chief instructor of the local cultural Association, and as such taught kung fu, lion dance and self-defense to the local Chinatown population.

In 1971 he established the Green Dragon Kung fu Society, to promote traditional Chinese kung fu and in honor of the teaching tradition established by his grandfather in China. In this tradition, combined with his easy going and welcoming personality, and his strong desire to share his kung fu knowledge Sifu Chan became one of the first kung fu instructors in Canada to teach traditional kung fu to non-Chinese students. 

Since 1971, Sifu Chan has selflessly, and without reservation, passes on the valued traditions and skills from his masters and his own experience today, Grand Master (Mark) Chan Wah, has taught many students throughout north American, building a network under the Green Dragon Kung Fu Association and reside in Edmonton Alberta Canada.

My studio has been a long time member of the Green Dragon Kung Fu Association under the guidence of GM Mark Chan. When I meet GM Mark Chan, I was already well trained in Kenpo, taught and owned many kenpo schools, and received my 7th degree IN 1990 left TKF in 1992. I was also in iron palm and BFP Learning from GM Pepper and GM Lacy. I meet Sifu Scherer around 1995 as sifu was a student of GM Lacy, I then introduced Sifu to GM Chan and now Sifu is our USA rep.

Sifu Fu Richard Shergold

Shi Fu Richard Shergold, the founder of Full Motion Fitness™ 31 shows and an award-winning kids TV series called (Be Alert Bert) 26 shows in English and Spanish was born in a Year of the Tiger in Victoria, B.C., and has been training in the martial arts for over 45 years.

He started boxing in at the age of 12, and then began training in kickboxing. He learned his first Kung Fu from a friend at school in Vancouver, B.C. richard later moved to Edmonton and trained at TKF. Eventually Richard became an instructor, chief instructor then area supervisor and an owner and partner of 14 kenpo schools which I also built 9 of the studios and even lived the studios and staffed as well, I became an owner and received a 7th degree in Kenpo in 1990. I left TKF in 1992 and opened my own school in Edmonton, called the Shaolin Tiger School(tm). 

Richard started training under many gm, in 1992 started with GM Chan and Shi Fu Margi Hilbig teaching for her at the police station also training with GM stan lee and received a 7th degree certificate from the Ging Wu Kung Fu association; richard also received certificates from Grand Master Mark Chan the last certificate Richard received was his 10th degree under the Green Dragon Kung assassination from GM Chan, Richard still trains with GM Chan as one of his dispels. Richard also trained under GM Jung Shee Jim Lacy, a Grand Master in Mew Hing’s 18 Taoist Palm System and received my white tiger certificate as well his lohon (8) title, Richard also became the Canadian chief advisor to Sifu V Peppers a GM in BFP.

I was introduced to BFP in 1988 in Spokane as I had a kenpo studio out there The BFP was never taught at TKF only a modified kenpo version, Richard teaches Five Elder Mew Hing 18 Taoist Palms System, which includes the Bak Fu Pai (White Tiger) and Bak Mei (White Eyebrow). Dragon, Hung Gar, Kenpo and the Lohan sets , I have been a Green Dragon member since 1992, both of my brother in the us Sifu Pepper and Sifu Shere also of members and represent, the green dragon kung fu association under GM M Chan , my brothers are the only group that teaches the BFP under the guidance of gm chan.

Degrees & Certificates

Sifu Kyle Scherer

Started training kenpo at age 10 under grand master Randy Knox still current student holding an 8th degree black belt, at 17 joined the us army, started training with grand master lacy in 1993  became his only baishi  received login number 9 tittle because brothers and best friend to sifu Richard suregold of canda  who introduced me to grand master chan and also Strated to learn with grand master chan and sifu suregold up to the rank of 5 the degree masters title and was appointed his only USA green dragon rep teaching  the five elder martial arts representing  grand master chan in the USA  is full instrocter in yan family wing Chun Kung Fu and tai chi  under yan day moy also holds a 5th degree in American kenpo karate under grand master Parker linden as well as master certificate in white tiger king Fu and taichi certified waiki practicsoner and first ever to be able to teach and practice waiki engey healing in the USA by Francie’s Fran ferle  3rd degree raki master 9th degree left hand reki master. im also TCM certified in yan family herb ol  and dit da healing and certified in white tiger herb i also  went l   to Ireland with my karate team in 1994 and halland in  1995  went with the USA Icba to China Lai tai and to Mexico, Japan i have been in  over 400 tournament and i was   inductions  in to the USA martial. Arts hallfame as inst of the year for Chinese martial arts 2021.


Sifu Vincent Peppers

(Level) GRAND MASTER IN BAK FU PAI: FOUNDER OF SWTA (Sovereign White Tiger Assoc.)

Master Vincent Peppers spent many years and many long hours perfecting his methods and skill level and healing techniques as the understudy of one of the profound Grandmasters of those times in all of North America.  Grandmaster Doo Wai (6th generation Grandmaster of the mystical system of Bak Fu Pai internal kung-fu / a.k.a. White Tiger System).  (1978 – 1990)  Through the grueling practices and the deepest of studies he became accomplished in many aspects of the physics that internal kung-fu is.  In healing herbs, chi, philosophy, history, religions, meditations, and even deeper understandings of what humans are and how we work and are put together. Not to mentions the scary chi & ging and the scariness of all of that.  He became focused on chi and on healing, and most importantly, on the spiritual connection that is part of every human.  He was also born with natural writing skills, and he wrote many things of what he plunged his life into.  

There is much more to say about this man’s skills as an old-world martial artist and mystic, healer, author, teacher, philosopher, historian, and all of the rest.  I believe you will find him to be quite a unique spiritual thinker, especially in these current times.

There is history on this site of Bak Fu Pai.  Shi-fu Vincent Peppers is the only person who has ever written the history of this rare and ancient and authentic system of internal methods. And frankly, the only one who took a life path so immersed into one of these ancient systems that he actually became part of it.  He wrote that history from the perspective of being part of it.   Now in the 21st century he is an authentic Grandmaster (“but much older and does not really stand on titles.” according to him)  Vincent Peppers of Bak Fu Pai.  You can see his current work and projects at or you can email him at [email protected]  He is still in the business of helping out his fellow humans.

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